On Our First Holy Communion…
They say that every Holy Communion we receive should be as if it were our First Holy Communion (remember the excitement, the purity of our hearts...!), as if it were our only Holy Communion, and as if it were our last Holy Communion (the one we will receive from the priest, hopefully, the day of our death). How are our Communions? Let me give two suggestions in order to take more advantage of our reception of the Holy Eucharist. 1) There is a prayer for First Holy Communion which I think is beautiful: it says, Jesus I know That you are in the Host. I cannot see You But I know You are there. Give me faith, Give me love, That I may love You always As I love You today. Faith and love are essential to make good Holy Communions. Faith in the Real Presence and a real love for Jesus and everything He commands. 2) Holy Communion does not end when we receive it: we then go to our pew and pray and give thanks... How do we pray after Holy Communion? Once I read ...