A Prayer for Runners

O Lord, we praise you and thank you for the gift of life,

And for the breath you give us to undertake this run.

As we walk, may we never lose your footsteps.

As we run, may we always run as victors

For the true crown you alone can give.[1]

Give us courage and hope to begin,

Perseverance and patience to keep going,

And the joy of a happy end.

When the way is hard, give us your help.

Enlarge our hearts with your Spirit,

So that we may always run in the ways of life.[2]


(Prayer written for the "Run for Life" in Emmitsburg, 2023)



[1] Cf. Hebrews 12:1-2; 1 Corinthians 9:25.

[2] Cf. Psalm 119:32.


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