Our King, Our Father, Our Friend...

 We celebrate Christ the King. He is King. But what does it mean to be a king?

It’s not simply to have power, or authority over other people. We know many people who have power, and we would never say that Jesus is like all of them. Jesus is a good king, a great king. What does it mean to be a good king?

A good king is a good shepherd. He takes care of the sheep, not of himself. A good king is a good father, who holds you accountable, who asks you for responsibility.

A good father does not let you do whatever you want, but only whatever is good for you. Because a good father cares about you, and knows what is good for you. Children think they know what is good for them, but parents know when their children are wrong and correct them. A good father rebukes his children, a good king punishes the wicked.

The only way a family keeps in order is by establishing rules. We cannot all use the car at the same time, so we need to organize ourselves. The only way the civil community keeps in order is by enforcing civil law. If those who do wrong are left unpunished, civil unrest explodes.

God threatens his own children with eternal punishment, so that his family may always be kept in order, so that his children may not go astray. He threatens with punishment because he actually would not want to punish. But God does not lie about punishment.

God cannot lie. If God says that the wicked will be punished, this is true. But God is just. If we try to do the right thing, the threat is not for us. If we did wrong, but are sorry, the threat is not for us. If you are weak, and are terrified about the possibility of hell, look at your Lord: He died on the cross, so that you do not go to hell. He gave you His own body as food, so that you never lack of strength. He came to earth to rescue you from yourself, and is powerful to take you with Him to Heaven. If you are sorry for your sins, and are open to receive his mercy, you will not go to hell.

I am not saying that to be saved is easy, but that the most difficult part has already been done by God. He died on the cross, and he has already entered Heaven and prepared the rooms for us. He has indicated the way to Heaven, warned us about the dangers and provided food (the Holy Eucharist) for the way. He has provided also medical care for injuries which may happen on the way: the sacrament of Reconciliation. Everything is ready. There is only one thing we must do: accept Him and everything He said. Let go of our own ways and embrace His way. May God help us!


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