The Magi’s Visit to Jesus
The Wise Men were not kings, perhaps, but they had plenty of gold. They brought gold to Jesus because they knew that Jesus was a king. Mary and Joseph were poor, and so was Jesus as well. The help from the Wise Men came just in time: even if Joseph and the Magi did not know it yet, the Holy Family had to escape to Egypt, and they would need all that gold for their travel and their stay in a foreign land. God’s providence did not fail. God’s providence will not fail us.
Jesus was probably about two years old when the Magi arrived.[1]
He was already able to walk, reach out his little hand to receive the gifts
and, perhaps, even say “thank you.” The Holy Family was no longer at the
stable, but in a simple house of Bethlehem.[2]
Mary and Joseph must have been surprised at the visit, but they immediately
remembered the prophecy of Isaiah: “Nations
shall walk by your light, and kings by your shining radiance... the wealth of
nations shall be brought to you. Caravans of camels shall fill you, dromedaries
from Midian and Ephah; all from Sheba shall come bearing gold and frankincense,
and proclaiming the praises of the LORD” (Isaiah 60: 1-6).
Mary was probably a little upset when she saw the myrrh. She
knew that this substance was used for burials. She remembered what Simeon had
told her, “a sword shall pierce your own heart” (cf. Luke 2:35). Her Son
was going to be contradicted and suffer, like the prophets before Him. But Her
task was to take care of Him until the day He would go out to His mission.
Mary knew what the incense meant and that her Son was God.
She probably open it immediately smell it with pleasure and offer it to the
Baby Jesus to smell as well. Baby Jesus loved it but he knew that it was not
something to eat, so He gave it back to His Mom so that She would keep it. The
Magi were so happy to see Jesus’ smile... His eyes were more beautiful than the
star they had been following. They knew that God was great and powerful, but
they had never thought that God would be also so beautiful and kind to them.
God bless,
Fr. Andrew
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