The Power of One Candle: Easter Vigil
The liturgies of the Holy Week are full of meaning. They try to focus our attention on the historical events of that first Holy Week, the Holy Week of Jesus, almost two thousand years ago. Tonight’s Vigil is no exception. The tabernacle is empty, as Jesus’ tomb was empty when the women arrived to anoint His body (cf. Luke 24:1-3). We have been hearing of his resurrection from the start, but, like the women, we have not seen Him yet. The women heard the announcement of the resurrection from angels: we have heard the angelic Easter proclamation. The Apostles heard the announcement from the women and from the disciples of Emmaus: we have heard men and women reading the word of God. Jesus Himself explained the Scriptures to the disciples of Emmaus: we have heard Jesus’ Gospel but, like those disciples, perhaps we have not yet recognized Jesus alive among us (cf. Luke 24:13-35). 1. The first part of the Vigil is the liturgy of the light: the proclamation of Jesus’ victory in His...