God’s Glory and the World’s Approval

“I have glorified it and will glorify it again.” What is this glory?

We are not meant to obtain from this world a glory we do not yet have. The world cannot give us what we want. We are meant to glorify God with the glory he has already given us, so that we may then receive further glory, not from the world, but from Him. We go from the glory we have to the glory we do not yet have, as St. Paul says, “And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into His image from glory to glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit” (1 Corinthians 3:18).

Modern society, with its own standards and values, exercises a certain pressure on Christians. It is peer pressure sometimes, it is also felt like an attraction other times, or like the threat of failure if we do not comply. The world offers us its own “salvation” from the evils of life; the world offers its own “redemption” from our sense of failure and worthlessness; the world offers its own glory in the approval of people, in the applause of the crowd or in the fleeting popularity of social media. We want salvation, we need redemption, we are meant for glory. Jesus, today, is rejecting the world’s glory and fully embracing the glory coming from God the Father. Jesus faces his enemies and goes to the cross.

The world cannot give true glory. The glory of the world is based on a lie. The lie that you are not worth it unless the world says so. But, in fact, the glory of the world depends on you believing that lie. When you surrender to the world’s pressure and say, “here I am, world, tell me what to do or what to think”, then, and only then, the world receives glory and power from you. When you surrender to the world’s lie, then the world, the crowd, the dominant class, etc., receive from you one more vote to keep exercising a fake authority.

There is a glory which has already been given to us. We have been redeemed, we have been considered by God worth the blood of his Son. For those of us who have already been baptized, we have been created anew in Jesus Christ: we “reflect the glory of the Lord.” Saint Paul says, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” We do not work to obtain our own worldly glory, we glorify God by blossoming in the good works which God Himself has already placed into our hearts to do. God has already placed into our hearts a treasure, his sanctifying grace, which is meant to fructify in good works with our cooperation. We do not need the world’s approval because we have been already made good by God: God has considered us worth the life of his Son and through baptism has already given us a share in his divine nature and made us His children. Now, from that initial glory, the glory of being now called His children, we are meant to obtain eternal glory: the true salvation from death and pain, the complete redemption from every evil, the glory of the resurrection with Jesus in Heaven.

The world cannot give you that. The world promises you happiness and cannot fulfil its promise: the world’s happiness is false, because it’s fleeting, limited and lower than ourselves. Jesus does not lie. He tells you that in the world you will have to suffer but that you will not be alone. Jesus promises you that He will always help you to do what he has asked you to do. But you have to do it: this is your glory. Your glory on earth is to perform the good works He has already given you to do, the good works which are already in your heart, like a seed, and are meant to blossom for other human beings to see. You are meant to glorify God with your works. It is not the world who tells you what to do or what to think. You do not need the world to tell you that you are good or worth it. God has already loved you and nobody can take this away from you, except yourself...

God has already glorified His own Name, by redeeming you and making you His true child in Jesus Christ: this is the marvelous work of redemption. The people of God is His glory, something that manifests in the world God’s power and mercy, something which shows God’s goodness and greatness. God will glorify again His own Name, when he will come back and show His power and mercy by taking us to Heaven with Him. But in order to obtain the second glory, we must glorify God with the first glory we have received. The path from glory to glory passes through the way of the cross. We glorify God, we show the fruits of redemption, first of all, when we die to our personal sins and do penance for our past sins. We glorify God also when we are strong in virtue and sacrifice ourselves to do the right thing, no matter how difficult it might be. God’s name is glorified in us when people can see in us a reflection of His goodness, when they can see in us an image of Jesus’ mercy and justice.

“We, who with unveiled faces all reflect the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into His image from glory to glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit” (1 Corinthians 3:18). May Our Blessed Mother help us to be good children of God, similar to Jesus because of our justice, because of our rejection of sin and deception, and because of our mercy towards the sinner and the needy.


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