On Pride: A Soul with No Windows
One of the most dangerous forms of pride is holding on to our own judgment against the truth, a truth which we could understand but which at the same time we do not want to see. This pride is preferring my own way of seeing things to the way things really are. It is affirming myself against reality, as if my judgment could change the way things really are. This pride is like a disagreement with the order of creation and a desire to establish our own order in this creation, as if we were God and we could create our own reality. This pride sets man against God and against creation itself: man, in a way, remains prisoner of his own world and, in a deep way, remains alone. Of course, despite the proud person’s way of thinking, reality keeps being what it is and this bothers the proud person, who feels attacked by the facts and by people who affirm the facts. This kind of proud person has only enemies or slaves: his enemies are all those who do not agree with him, and everybody else ...