On Pride: A Soul with No Windows
Of course, despite the proud
person’s way of thinking, reality keeps being what it is and this bothers the
proud person, who feels attacked by the facts and by people who affirm the
facts. This kind of proud person has only enemies or slaves: his enemies are
all those who do not agree with him, and everybody else must think as he does,
or else! This proud person cannot have true friends: when someone is not open
to the truth, they cannot receive anything valuable from another person. Deep
down, this kind of proud person thinks nobody knows better than he what is good
and, therefore, he considers everybody as inferior to him. This is why he cannot
have true friends, because friendship is based on a certain equality and the
proud person feels superior...
Many people will go to hell for many different sins, but the hell of the proud begins on earth. The effects of pride are loneliness and anger, unrest and anxiety... The proud person does not welcome reality as it is and so he never feels at home. He does not welcome the Word of God and so he cannot be redeemed by it. He does not welcome the Good Shepherd and so he cannot be rescued and carried on Jesus’ shoulders... May we never close our eyes to reality. May we never deafen our ears to the Word of God. May we never reject Jesus, the Good Shepherd. And if we ever did, let us bleat again in sorrow, like a lost sheep who yearns to be picked up and embraced by the good Jesus.
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