Wait... Wives What?
“ Wives should be subordinate to their husbands as to the Lord ” ( Ephesians 5:22) One may object, why should you be subordinate to someone you love? This is why St. Paul adds, “ as to the Lord .” We love the Lord and we also are subordinate to Him. True, sometimes we are subordinate to the Lord, not out of love, but out of fear. This should not be among Christians! Nor should it happen in families, that one is subordinate to the other out of fear. “Wives, submit to your husbands,” not to abuse or mistreatment! True, it is better to obey the Lord at least out of fear than not to obey Him at all. Fear of authority can play an important role in our personal development. But we are all meant to overcome the stage of doing good simply out of fear of punishment , and pass over to the holy fear of the Lord . This “fear of the Lord” happens when we love God so much that we are terrified at the mere thought of displeasing Him with our actions. “ Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ l...