Jesus Came to Set us Free: Commandments and Freedom
In the first reading, we hear about the redemption of Israel by a child who is to be born. In the Gospel, Elizabeth is redeemed by the Child to be born, as she shouts for joy in the Spirit. How can this unborn Child redeem Elizabeth from Mary’s womb? The letter to the Hebrews tells us what’s going on in Mary’s womb: the Son of God enters to world to do the Father’s will and, in that way, He redeems the world. The Son of God in Mary’s womb says, “Behold, O Lord, I come to do your will.” We are being set free by the obedience of God’s only Son. We tend to consider freedom as something opposed to authority, perhaps because we have experienced authority as something oppressive, something which was not on our best interests, something like slavery. Sometimes, and without realizing, we may transpose our bad feelings about that kind of authority to any authority: we feel oppressed even when a certain particular authority may intend to do good to us. Something similar happens to ch...