Three Ways to be Spiritually Mute
“Thus says the
LORD: Say to those whose hearts are frightened: Be strong, fear not! Here is
your God, he comes with vindication; with divine recompense he comes to save
you... then the tongue of the mute will sing” (Isaiah 35:4.6).
We can
understand this muteness in a spiritual way. Sometimes, a great fear may leave
someone speechless. Other times, we are speechless because we have nothing to
say. Other times, because there is no one to talk to...
1. When God comes to
save us, we are told: “Be strong, fear not!” From a spiritual point of view,
divine justice can be terrifying, because nothing escapes the eye of God. Everything
we do and not do, everything we say and think is known by God. But God knows
also our weakness and ignorance. God gives human beings a chance. God comes to
save us today, with the opportunity to repent and change life, with an
invitation to come back and try again. “Be strong and fear not!” Do not be
mute, respond to the invitation!
2. When God saves,
He gives us something to talk about... actually, He makes us sing for joy!
God’s salvation is like a great joy that cannot be contained in the heart. Have
you ever felt it? Sometimes you can only express it with tears, other times you
need to sing, other times you just need to give thanks in the quiet of your
heart... Your good works are also a song to the Lord. God’s
salvation makes the mute speak the good news. Do not be mute and sing God’s
3. Finally, God
saved us so that we may dare speaking to Him. Jesus even commanded us to call
Him “Father”... God was beyond the reach of our human cries, but He became so
close that He can now hear our whispers... True, He could hear them
before as well, but we didn’t know He cared to listen. The Good News is
that God loves us, not only that He knows us. We speak not simply because He can
hear, we sing for joy because he wants to listen!
And what are we
waiting for? Let us not be mute, let us pray!
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