Good Speech Comes from a Humble Heart
(Sunday Homily for March 1st) 1. “When a sieve is shaken, the husks appear; so do one’s faults when one speaks” ( Sirach 27:4) “A good person out of the store of goodness in his heart produces good, but an evil person out of a store of evil produces evil; for from the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks” ( Luke 6:45). Good speech comes from a good heart. What is a good heart? “In tribulation is the test of the just” ( Sirach 27:5). A good heart is a crushed heart, a contrite heart, a heart experienced in suffering, humiliations and failure. A good heart is a humble heart, a heart that is aware of its own sinfulness, its own weakness and its own limitations. A good speech comes from a heart like that: a person who is aware of his or her own limitations is able to speak in the right way. Lack of this awareness is pride, which could rightfully be compared to a wooden beam: pride is a big sin. Once pride is taken away, the faults of our brothers and sisters seem light...