God loves us no matter what?
The True Meaning of Unconditional Love (Homily for Sunday, October 1 st 2023) Today’s readings are clear that mercy and conversion are not opposed but actually go together. In the first reading ( Ezekiel 18:25-28), God is merciful with the sinner who repents and does the right thing, but punishes the good person who becomes corrupt and does evil. Now, obviously, if this last person, who became corrupt, repents and does again the right thing, he or she will be saved. While there is time, God gives us the opportunity to change for the better. In the Gospel ( Matthew 21:28-32), the son who says “no” to his father but later changes his mind and does his father’s will, this son is placed by the Lord as the model, as the good son. The Pharisees had said “yes” to the prophecies of the Scripture, but when the prophecies were fulfilled in Jesus, they did not accept them anymore and did not follow Jesus. The sinners, instead, who had said “no” to the law of Moses and the Scriptur...