At Mary’s School: How to Answer God’s Word
(Fr. Andrew’s Homily for January 1 st ) “All who heard it were amazed by what had been told them by the shepherds. And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart” ( Luke 2:18-19). The shepherds’ job is to proclaim what has been revealed to them. All those who hear the shepherds are amazed at what they hear. Mary goes beyond the amazement: she also ponders the message in her heart. 1. In the Catholic Church, we call our leaders “shepherds.” This tradition comes from the Bible itself (cf. 1 Peter 5:2; John 10: 1-18, 21:15-17). It is interesting, however, that while God chose a shepherd, David, to be the king of Israel, He chose instead fishermen to be the leaders of the new people of God. They are both shepherds of God’s flock and fishers of people. They are fishers because they rescue people form the waves of worldly life and sin so that people may become the food of God and of His Christ. Indeed, when we receive Jesus in the Eucharist, not only Jesus be...